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More and more voices are calling for regulations as ultra-compact cameras, which anyone can easily purchase, have become a means for various crimes, including sex crimes. At present, there are no regulations on the sale and purchase of spy cameras. DSO, a group against digital sexual violence, posted a proposal for a bill to ban the sale of spy cameras on April 7 at Gukhoi TokTok (National Assembly TokTok), a platform for legislative petitions created by WAGL, a political start-up company. DSO said, "Videos of digital sexual violence, such as scenes from the shower and bathroom and images of sexual activities including intercourse, are constantly popping up online. We should designate professionals for the purchase of miniature cameras and enact legislation that bans the use of such cameras by people other than these professionals." As of the afternoon of April 10, more than 12,000 people have joined in this petition.

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